In 2025, you'll be reporting that George Santos is claiming from prison that he is not in prison.

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Fantastic interview about beat reporting a story with little interest that suddenly become national news.

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"It's a strange experience to find someone like that who just keeps committing to the lie." This is an important interview.

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What amazes me is how easily people fell for the con...his constituents, the state GOP machine, his aides, his donors, etc.

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Great piece. Thank you for all your great reporting on this despicable creature. I hope those Dems who were afraid of setting a precedent by voting to expel Santos last time, will see the greater good (771,000 taxpayers with no real representation in the House) and vote to expel this criminal from the House!

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Brazilian conning is next level of shamelessness. As a Brazilian, having come from a country where most right wingers idolize the US, which on its turn always had zero respect for our people and democracy... to have one of our low end drags con her way up to a corrupt US Senate is a bit of cosmic vengeance. More seriously, my condolences to serious Americans. This sucks.

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