Thanks for the update. Mr. Meyer is standing up against the forces of fascism, while grieving the death of his mother and rebuilding the physical plant of his newspaper. The man has immense fortitude and moral strength. He deserves all the support we can give him. Hopefully the woman who brought the spurious charges against the paper, the judge who signed the illegal search warrant and the police chief who lead the illegal and destructive raid on the newspaper’s office will be brought to Justice and see jail time. They literally scared the poor old woman to death.

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Mr Meyer also has the nations support. ❤️

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Thanks for your coverage on this, Marisa. This is such an important story about the First Amendment, freedom of the press, and accountability.

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Such a horrible, horrible situation! They should sue everyone responsible! I can't imagine losing my mother that way! It's criminal!

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I recall the days of, "STOP THE PRESSES." A story had broken that needed front page billing. Paperboys and Papergirls anxious ready on our Schwinns to roll and fill our baskets. Finally the truck rolled up and flung stacks of papers with the fabulous new headlines. We didn't read we had jobs to do quarters to collect.

We were kids knowing our routes had better hurry or we'd miss the schoolbus. I wonder what would have happened had the reliable paper never came?

"SEIZE THE PRESSES" how far off are we from "SEIZE THE JOURNALISTS."

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Oh man, I was a paperboy as a young tween and teen. The Detroit Free Press. Every day, about two hours work after school. Always needed Dad’s help on Sundays to get out the news. The smell of fresh newsprint in the paper station was intoxicating.

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It was the best thing ever. I could land a paper perfect for 50 feet. Some people would be out waiting for the throw. Those were my favorites!

We had after-school papers, too. Boston Globe and Herald. There were little plastic boxes to stick those in.

Ugh Sundays.and rainy days, always the worst. I'd always get rides in the snow.

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I just subscribed to a year of the Marion Record.


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Me, too . . . and I live I Hawaii. Subscribing is the best way to support the Marion Record.

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Thank you for your coverage!

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They withdrew the search warrant!

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Great job, Marisa…and congrats on th scoop too!

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I got a digital subscription.

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This makes me sad

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Can’t stop the Signal

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