Bowen Yang should open a Cameo as George Santos to continue their great work he's been doing on SNL. Then we wouldn't feel bad getting you a Cameo.

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Your work had so much to do with exposing him as a fraud. I am so proud of your commitment to exposing his capers and lunacy. Well Done!

Can you please look in representative Luna or whatever her real name is. There is a huge story there. Maybe as big as George. From military to stripper at the same time. She seems to have every possible heritage and religion as well. You should be able to easily find a strange history on her dating all tge way back from high school. She's a loon not a Luna.

I'm making it a point to look into every republican running for Congress this year. I'm not sure what I'll find but with the GOP today I expect a dirty crew. I'll let you know what I come across.

Luna is a great one to look into currently serving. The local news stories were all there like with George it's just been overlooked.

If there is anyway I can help email me or DM at Twitter @TheSteveTheCat.

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