This story is definitely going to blow up. Get ready. These are the stories one sees in the midst of rising authoritarianism. For two reasons - number one, authoritarians lie. Constantly, to the point of being untrustworthy and dangerous to everyone around them. Thus, they have to control the narrative. State media - always. Number two, they can't help themselves and must act. This is how we see policies that attack women’s reproductive rights, trans rights, and DEI initiatives. It starts with, ”Well, we don't want our kids surrounded by drag queens.” This always morphs into, ”You know what? We won't allow this to be taught in college, either.” Outlawing homosexuality is of course a natural next step.

Just as we knew that the downfall of Roe v Wade was and is not about state’s rights. It is all about having a fertilized egg automatically given full rights, regardless of the mother’s opinion. They want fetal personhood as law.

I struggle to see how people don't see these things, or how more people do not see these things.

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Great reporting! I’m outraged as are many others who hear about this illegal search & seizure. The gofundme should be arranged to help with legal representation.

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I sure hope the criminal police department all suffer severe consequences. I especially hope the allegations against the police cheif get big airing becuase of his criminal actions to cover it up. I also hope if the warrant application was insuficient for such a wide ranging warrant (definetly wasn't unless the police lied on it, which is a possibility) that the judge is fired.

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The poor old lady. Can you imagine a more horrible end of life?

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Why are these Gestapo tactics becoming the norm? We have to taking voting more seriously and find ethical politicians. Get the bullies and thugs out of positions of power.

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According to Heather Cox Richardson's piece on this, which quotes you, Joan Meyer (the mother) collapsed on Saturday and died on Sunday https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/august-12-2023

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Great reporting, Marisa. This is such an important story you uncovered. I’m going to make it part of the syllabus in my journalism classes this year.

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My thoughts of hope and strength go out to Mr. Meyer, his staff, the people in this community and many other communities where there is fear in their hearts and mind to speak out against tyranny.

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Layers and layers to this story, saddest thing is it is not surprising.

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My experience has been that to the extent tyranny exists in the US these days, it does so at the local level. Exactly nothing about this surprises me, though it disheartens me greatly.

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This is outrageous! I don't care what this paper prints or who they endorse for political office it's 1st amendment rights should be unchallenged along with our 2nd amendment rights.

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Is there a gofundme set up to help them with legal fees or to replace all the office equipment that was taken?

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This is serious and I wonder why the paranoid self-important public figures described in this article think this is going to just disappear…

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This is just another example of, ”Try That in a Small Town”. Jason Aldean’s lyrics are accurate, to an extent, but he didn't write about the real stuff.

”Try investigating the sheriff in a small town and see how far you get.”

”Try writing stories about what happens in a small town.”

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Great writing! Thank you! We'll be watching, and I dare say you have more to report!

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Just saw on papers website the 98 co-owner DIED this afternoon!!!

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